Abstract submission

Abstracts (max. 300 words followed by 5 key words) should be send by email at: [email protected], no later than April 24th, 2023. Also in the email, please specify the conference section.

Notification of acceptance will be eā€“mailed to the contact authors by April 24th, 2023.  Papers will be blind cross-evaluated by reviewers. Further guidelines concerning the format of the full papers will be available on the Conference website at: www.icmie-faima.ro

Abstract should be structured using the following sub-headings:

Topic: Choose one of the above topics related with your research theme.

Conference Sections:

Section 1 – Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Section 2 – Technology and Competitiveness
Section 3 – People, Organizations and Change Management
Section 4 – Development Strategies and Environment

Objectives (max. 100 words): State the aims and objectives of the research, the project undertaken or the nature of the practical problem demonstrated. What is the paper about and why is it important?

Implication (max. 100 words): Summarize the implications of the study for one or more of the following groups: academics, researchers, hospitals, practitioners, patients, management, etc. What are the implications of the paper for the specific fields and/or development in research/practice methodology?

Originality Value (max. 100 words): Clearly state the key contribution of the paper and what is original or unique. What is the added value and to which community does this refer?

Key words: Maximum of five key words or short phrases. (Restricted to 20 characters each)

Please provide the full name affiliations, mailing addresses, telephone no., e-mail addresses of the authors.

Please note that proposed abstracts that do not follow the abstract guidelines will not be accepted for evaluation!

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